Reactive oxygen species, Programmed Cell Death (PCD) and rol | 89321
An International Journal

Agricultural and Biological Research

ISSN - 0970-1907
RNI # 24/103/2012-R1


Reactive oxygen species, Programmed Cell Death (PCD) and role of mitochondria in host pathogen interaction

Most Shanaj Parvin* and Md Ehsanul Haque

Plant PCD differs genetically and morphologically from the mechanisms of fungi and animals. For instance, classical PCD typically features mitochondrial morphology transition (MMT), condensation of the cytoplasm and its shrinking, detachment of the plasma membrane from the cell wall (in case of fungi), and nuclear condensation. There is now compelling evidence that mitochondria integrate diverse cellular stress signals and initiates the death execution pathway in animals. On the flip-side involvement of mitochondria in regulating PCD in plants is not well known. This review article will help to answer the following questions; how PCD is required for resistance? How PCD and other resistant responses are dependent on each other? How PCD is regulated and is PCDs the same for all pathogens?

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