An International Journal

Agricultural and Biological Research

ISSN - 0970-1907
RNI # 24/103/2012-R1

Guidelines/Instructions to Authors

  1. Criteria of Publications
  2. Research Manuscripts / Preparation of Manuscripts
  3. Title Page
  4. Summary
  5. Keywords
  6. References
  7. Figures
  8. Abbreviations
  9. Short Reports
  10. Scope of The Journal
  11. Editorial Process
  12. Appeals of Decisions
  13. Publication Charges
Criteria of Publications

Agricultural and Biological Research Journal is highly selective in the manuscripts that it publishes. To be considered for publication in Agricultural and Biological Research Journal, any given manuscript must be exceptional in the following ways:

  • Originality
  • Importance to researchers in its field
  • Interest to scientists outside the field
  • Rigorous methodology and substantial evidence for its conclusions

The key criteria are that the work clearly demonstrates its novelty, its importance to a particular field as well as its interest to those outside that discipline, and conclusions that are justified by the study.

Authors are requested to submit articles directly to Online Manuscript Submission System.

Research Manuscripts / Preparation of Manuscripts

Agricultural and Biological Research Journal publishes original research articles of outstanding significance.

  • We will consider manuscripts of any length.
  • We encourage the submission of both substantial full-length bodies of work and shorter manuscripts that report novel findings that might be based on a more limited range of experiments.
  • The writing style should be concise and accessible. Our aim is to make the editorial process rigorous and consistent, but not intrusive or overbearing. Authors are encouraged to use their own voice and to decide how best to present their ideas, results, and conclusions.
  • Although we encourage submissions from around the globe, we require that manuscripts be submitted in English.
  • Authors not wholly familiar with English usage are advised to seek the help of an English speaking colleague or English language professionals or English content writer.
  • Manuscripts should be written in clear and simple language without repetition and should be typed in double line spacing with wide margins on one side of the paper only.
  • Form and content should be clearly checked to exclude the need for corrections in proof.
  • A charge will be made for changes introduced after after the manuscripts has been sent iin type.
  • The desired positions of the figures, tables and foot notes should be marked in the margins of the text.
  • Manuscripts may be edited for corrections of language if necessary and if required.
Title Page
  • The title page should be comprise
  • Title of the Paper
  • First Name and Surname of Author(s)
  • Institute
  • Foot Notes referring the title to be indicated by asterisk
  • Full Address(es) of the Author(s)
  • If there are several institutes, please make the affiliation clear

Each Paper should be preceded by a summary. The summary should state what was investigated and what are the findings and any conclusion followed by introduction, materials and method, results, discussion and references.


Below the summary upto 5 key-words should be supplied for subject indexing.


The list of references should include only works referred in to text. Only published or accepted manuscripts should be included in the reference list. Meetings, abstracts, conference talks, or papers that have been submitted but not yet accepted should not be cited. Limited citation of unpublished work should be included in the body of the text only.

Reference should be cited as follows:

  1. Names and Initials of All Authors
  2. Year
  3. Full Title
  4. Journal as abbreviated in index medicus
  5. Volume Number
  6. First and Last Page Number

Example: Misra, A. Dwivedi, P. D. Verma, A. S. Misra, J. Dutta, K. K. and Ray, P. K. (1991). Modulation of microsomal membrane associated detoxification enzymes activity by methyl isocynate exposure. Bull. Env. Contam. Toxical. 47(5), 675-681

Books Name of Authors, Year, Full Title, Edition, Publishers and Place

Example: Misra Anil and Ingrid B. Speir (1990). Effect of Sulfite on Oxidative Metabolism of Neutrophils. In. Bioluminescence & Chemiluminsence (edited) P. E. Stanley, John Wily & Sons, Lond., U. K.


The number and size of the illustration must be kept to the minimum required for clarification of the text. Previously published figures are strictly prohibited. Explanation of figures furnished as legends should not be repeated in the text.


Please keep abbreviations to a minimum. List all non-standard abbreviations in alphabetical order, along with their expanded form. Define them as well upon first use in the text. Non-standard abbreviations should not be used unless they appear at least three times in the text.

Short Reports

Short reports of new result of special interest will be published out of turn a short communications and will be given top priority in the editorial and production process.

In the section letters to the editor, important and specific problems (also negative results) can be published. Utmost brevity (One Page) is required.

Scope of The Journal

The editors of the AGBIR will consider for publication, original articles and mini reviews that dealt with all aspects of cellular physiology, metabolism and energetic of bacteria, fungi, animal and plant cells.

Environmental biotechnology, include aerobic and anaerobic process, system involving biofilms, algae systems, detoxification and bioremediation and genetic aspects.

Mineral Biotechnology, including transportation, accumulation and toxicity studies of heavy and toxic metals in plant and animal system.

Fundamental aspects of food biotechnology, living behaviour, parasitic interaction between host and parasites.

Biological aspects of biomass production and renewable resources engineering etc.

The editors will consider papers for publications based on the novelty their immediate or future impact on biotechnological process and their contribution to the advancement of knowledge of biological science.

Editorial Process

Overview of the Editorial Process

On checking the status of a manuscript in our submission system, one of several status descriptions will appear. These correspond to the steps in the editorial process as follows:

  1. Submitted manuscripts will be assigned to one of the editors, who will, in consultation with colleagues as appropriate, aim to make an initial evaluation of the paper. If required manuscript will be discussed to other editorial members.
  2. If the editors agree that the paper meets the standards to justify review at Agricultural and Biological Research Journal, it will be sent out for more detailed peer review, otherwise it will go further for final decisions.
  3. Once all reviews of a manuscript have been received, the manuscript returns to the editors, who evaluate and consider the reviews. In some cases they may consult the other editorial board for their opinion on the reviews prior to drafting a decision; in all cases.
  4. After final scripting your manuscript will consider for final decision. There are several types of decisions possible: accept the paper as submitted; accept it with revision; invite the authors to revise the manuscript prior to the final decision;
  5. Upon acceptance, the manuscript enters our production system. Articles are typically published as soon as possible.
  6. We have rights to reject manuscript outright in cases, typically because it does not meet the criteria outlined above of originality, importance to the field, cross-disciplinary interest, or sound methodology.
  7. In case of rejection of the manuscript, we encourage to resubmit it after extensive revision
  8. If the decision is to allow resubmission, the author will be advised in the decision letter whether the paper is likely to require further peer review at that time. The revised manuscript in all cases will be assessed by a editors. Sometimes, re-review will be required, but in general we aim to make decisions without involving multiple rounds of review.
Appeals of Decisions

If you wish to appeal a decision, you should contact the editor who handled the pre-submission inquiry or full manuscript, explaining in detail your reasons for the appeal. Appeals will only be considered when editor is thought to have made a significant factual error or when his/her objectivity is compromised by a documented competing interest, and when a reversal based on either of these grounds would change the original decision.

Article Processing Charges (APC) :

To ensure that the final, published version matches the electronic file, make sure that you use only the following fonts: Arial, Courier, Symbol and Times. The use of nonstandard fonts may lead to missing symbols. The font size should be no smaller than 7 point and no larger than 14 point.


Average Article prorcessing time (APT) is 55 days

Fast Editorial Execution and Review Process (FEE-Review Process) :

Agricultural and Biological Research is participating in the Fast Editorial Execution and Review Process (FEE-Review Process) with an additional prepayment of $99 apart from the regular article processing fee. Fast Editorial Execution and Review Process is a special service for the article that enables it to get a faster response in the pre-review stage from the handling editor as well as a review from the reviewer. An author can get a faster response of pre-review maximum in 3 days since submission, and a review process by the reviewer maximum in 5 days, followed by revision/publication in 2 days. If the article gets notified for revision by the handling editor, then it will take another 5 days for external review by the previous reviewer or alternative reviewer.

Acceptance of manuscripts is driven entirely by handling editorial team considerations and independent peer-review, ensuring the highest standards are maintained no matter the route to regular peer-reviewed publication or a fast editorial review process. The handling editor and the article contributor are responsible for adhering to scientific standards. The article FEE-Review process of $99 will not be refunded even if the article is rejected or withdrawn for publication.

The corresponding author or institution/organization is responsible for making the manuscript FEE-Review Process payment. The additional FEE-Review Process payment covers the fast review processing and quick editorial decisions, and regular article publication covers the preparation in various formats for online publication, securing full-text inclusion in a number of permanent archives like HTML, XML, and PDF, and feeding to different indexing agencies.

Journal Hilights
  • Abstracting and indexing in renowned databases
  • Expert editorial team
  • Good Clinical Practice (GCP)
  • High quality articles
  • High visibility
  • Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria
  • Intention-to-Treat Analysis
  • International readership
  • Language editing
  • Membership
  • Online manuscript submission and tracking system
  • Rapid peer review process
  • Reprints of published articles
Journal is Indexed in:
  • BIOSIS Previews and Zoological Record which are part of the life sciences in Web of Science (WOS)
  • Euro Pub
  • Google Scholar
  • MIAR
  • Publons
Journal Flyer
Google Scholar Citation Report
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