Practical aspects of regulating the chromatic indices of ros | 107092
An International Journal

Agricultural and Biological Research

ISSN - 0970-1907
RNI # 24/103/2012-R1


Practical aspects of regulating the chromatic indices of rose sparkling wine by expedition liqueur with the use of sulphiting agents

Taranenko Vlada Igorevna*, Oseledtseva Inna Vladimirovna and Strukova Vera Evgenievna

Through musical and color synaesthesia, the taster builds an associative lineage when encountering a sparkling wine. The so-called “crisp” sound on the surface of a sparkling wine suggests a chromatic anchoring of the color palette. A study of the effect of expedition liqueur on the color change of rose sparkling wine showed that dosage has a direct effect on the color gradient. Dosage technology involves the addition of sulphite components, which protect the sparkling wine from oxidation. Sulphur dioxide, like tannins are natural antiseptics. White and rose wines have a high sulphite content because they are very delicate. The chromatic values of the samples in which the sulphite expedition liqueur was added had color variations from soft pink to copper. The chromatic values of the samples to which the non-sulphite expedition liqueur was added had a clear gradient of shades from frightened nymph thigh color to acajou color.

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