Traditional husbandry practices and selection criteria of go | 104060
An International Journal

Agricultural and Biological Research

ISSN - 0970-1907
RNI # 24/103/2012-R1


Traditional husbandry practices and selection criteria of goats in selected districts of Sidama zone, Southern Ethiopia

Amsale Hankamo* and Tariku Woldeyohannes

Nutritional Quality ImprovemenBefore implementing any development plan, it is critical to understand traditional goat management practices, which allow breeders to create long-term genetic improvement, while preserving indigenous goat production. This study aimed to describe the goat husbandry system in two districts of Sidama zone of southern Ethiopia using two production systems. A semi-structured questionnaire was employed to gather information regarding the management activities, purpose of keeping goats, and farmer’s selection criteria for breeding animals. A total of 240 households were interviewed to collect relevant information for the study. Data collected was statistically analyzed and summarized into descriptive statistics. Indexes were calculated to clarify rankings by using indexes formula. The number goat population was more in Loka Abaya than Aroresa. The primary purpose of keeping goats in the study area is mainly for their milk, meat and income generation. Broad shoulders, compact frame, and short and thick necks of the bucks were considered as the most important characteristics for selection. Communal grazing and crop aftermath were the most common feed sources reported by farmers in the study area. River was the major water source for goats in the study districts. The major factors limiting the productivity of goats are feed shortage, alent to the rest of the country with the same agroecology. Planning and implemediseases, and labour shortage. The management and husbandry practices are nearly equivnting of goat development and extension services on management, improvement, disease control, and suitable forage production strategies helps farmers in increasing goat production and therefore improving their livelihood.

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