Gender role in irrigated agricultural activities in the case | 98099
An International Journal

Agricultural and Biological Research

ISSN - 0970-1907
RNI # 24/103/2012-R1


Gender role in irrigated agricultural activities in the case of Alamata district, Tigray regional state, Ethiopia

Moges Girmay Phogella and Workie Sahlu Anbaw*

Women account for more than half of the work force by participating in different activities, either directly or indirectly. The study examined gender role in small scale irrigation agricultural activities in Alamata district, southern Tigray zone of Tigray region, Ethiopia. Multistage sampling procedure was used to select 2 Kebeles out of 8 irrigation user Kebeles in the District and 130 sample households were selected; 80 male headed households and 50 female headed households based on proportion to Kebelles population which is irrigation user households in the selected Kebeles. The finding of the research indicates that most of the time FHH irrigation users are more involved in irrigation management activities such as planting, removing weeds, harvesting and selling products while MHH participate in heavy and risky tasks such as land clearing, cultivation, crop watering, chemical spray and transport products. Therefore, the study suggests to addressing some of the gender differences, efforts should be made to provide equitable education, credit and extension services for both male headed households and female headed households by government and non-governmental organization.

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