Exploring the impacts of varied natural and organic far | 105521
An International Journal

Agricultural and Biological Research

ISSN - 0970-1907
RNI # 24/103/2012-R1


Exploring the impacts of varied natural and organic farming approaches on growth attributes and yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) based intercropping systems in the sub humid climatic conditions of Himachal Pradesh

Raveena*, Rameshwar Kumar and Shilpa

A field experiment was conducted during rabi 2021 at the Zero Budget Natural Farm (ZBNF), Department of Organic Agriculture and Natural Farming, COA, CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya, Palampur, to compare the effect of natural and organic farming techniques on the growth and yield of wheat. The study employed a randomized block design with thirteen treatments replicated three times. The results showed that the treatment comprised of wheat+gram and jeevamrit spray at 14 days’ interval led to significantly greater growth attributes, viz., plant height at 90, 120, 150 DAS and at harvest (32.3, 63.5, 89.7 and 92.1 cm) and number of tillers per square meter at 90, 120, 150 DAS and at harvest (193.7, 232.4, 222.1 and 214.5) of wheat. Similarly, the treatment wheat sole and jeevamrit spray at 14 days’ interval resulted in significantly higher grain and straw yields (16.07 q/ha and 30.53 q/ha). The highest wheat equivalent yield (18.37 q/ha) was achieved using organic farming practices wheat+gram and matka khad spray at 30 days’ interval followed by wheat+lentil and matka khad spray at 30 days’ interval (17.07 q/ha). Therefore, it was concluded that treatment comprised of organic package of practices along with the application of matka khad at 30 days’ interval was found to be the best treatment with respect to crop growth and productivity of main crop as well as intercrops. In conclusion, the most effective treatment for crop growth and productivity, both for the main crop and intercrops, was found to be the organic approach with matka khad application at 30-day intervals.

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