Bankey Lal*, H. N. Prasad, A. K. Dubey and Arun Kumar Verma
An experiment was conducted during Rabi season 2018-2019 to 2019-2020 to evaluate the effect of integrated nutrient management for yield, quality traits and economic production of sprouting broccoli variety F1 hybrid ‘Green Magic’ in Kanpur condition having high sub-tropical humid with hot summer and cold winter. Results revealed that the application of vermicompost@ 5 t ha-1+Azotobacter), performed better with respect to quality parameters and economic production of sprouting broccoli after harvesting. The treatments significantly affected various quality traits and economics parameters viz. quality characters namely total soluble solids content (8.65°Brix), ascorbic acid content (86.90 mg/100 g), reducing sugars content (3.59%), non-reducing sugars content (0.80%) and total sugar content (4.04%) and economic parameters such as Benefit cost ratio (2.66), gross returns (Rs.1,58,941.5/ha), and net returns (Rs.99,323.5/ha) were better after using vermicompost and bio-fertilizer significantly enhanced various crop yield quality traits and economics parameters, at the same time they reduced the time taken for head initiation, improved quality traits and economic production.